Wednesday, August 24, 2016

                                             "The Conscience of a Hacker"
This story was sort of confusing to me. But anyways the only thing I understood was that he said that to the authorities that they think that curiosity is a crime. But its not. He then was saying he feels like he doesn't belong out there with other people cause they refer to him as a nerd and he felt like he belonged there.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

                                           Respond to Richard Cory
My respond to Richard Cory is that the poem is trying to send a message because in the poem everybody thinks of Richard Cory as a happy person. But in reality he most likely had problems that provoked him to commit suicide. No one knew what he was hiding inside but everybody thought he was a happy man but that wasn't true most likely. This poem's mesage sounds a lot like a quote I heard on Instagram because the quote was "Be kind. Everybody is fighting a battle you don't know about." So that's what I believe is the message to this story.
                                                            Welcome Post
This is my Welcome Post!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to do the introduction but here it goes. My name is Daniela. I don't know how to blog so don't judge me. By the way I have to do this thanks to Dr.Preston

Thursday, August 18, 2016

                                                      "What's your big question"
My questions: - Is God real?
                       -Or do people just believe in God?
                       -Why do women in India have red stuff in their hair parting?
                       -Is their another universe somewhere else that have lives?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

                                                           Ancient Stories
I would say that the language is different because nowadays not many people use complicated words as an everyday use. But at the same time I feel that the creatures speak a little more like we do now. The chief seems harder to understand because he puts his words in a different way it's probably because the way he thinks. But how the creatures talk is how I usually use my words. I think it's important for a story to be told or repeated word for word but at the same time I don't because I think it's OK to change up the story here and there but not all the time. But not like huge drastic changes to the story. But then if you hear a story for the 1st time you would like to hear the original story.
                                                       "The Earth on Turtle's Back"
  I'm not sure what this story is trying to say but I feel like it's saying that there is always a new beginning. The reason I think this is because the characters talk about a new Earth and the women letting out the soil from her hand which then causes new trees to go. But I would like to know what happens next.